Speaking Engagements

(Wo)Men Speak Out™ speaking packages are available in formats of 45 minutes to 2.5 hours. Material is based on rape, sexual assault & gender violence focusing on anti-violence initiatives relevant to youth, professionals, advocates and community members.

“I commend the outstanding work done by your organization. The outreach, education and support provided are invaluable.”
—Jack Layton, Former Leader
New Democratic Party of Canada

Keynote Addresses and Plenary Sessions
Inside Out is an ambitious address that analyzes the nature of abuse from multiple perspectives. Often generating the liveliest discussions, it is a no-holds-barred approach to addressing the issues that go unaddressed by most institutions. Chris and Ophelia apply the lessons learned from personally handpicked films and tailor dialogue to the issues affecting the student community. They talk about the experience, the myths, the madness, and turn it Inside Out.

Use resources already available to you
Host organizations will receive soft copies of posters and press information to use for advertising and media purposed. Use them!

Contact your local television, radio and print media. Let them know about what your organization is doing to bring awareness to the community and how they need to be involved.

Enlist key people who will be responsible for contact and follow-up. Ensure that your contacts know the correct time, venue and pertinent information one week prior to the event. The day before the event, touch base again to ensure that you are on their list. Make sure that you have a designated on-site contact for the purpose of answering media questions.

“The two weave pieces of their stories in such way that the audience is enlightened without being overwhelmed and ultimately led to a place of empowerment and hope. One cannot escape being touched, moved or transformed by their presentation.”
—Joanna Snawder, Associate Director Institute for Women’s Studies and Services, Metropolitan State College of Denver

“Ophelia has energy, enthusiasm and dedication…. we give her our highest accolades!”
—Caroline Sneath, Director of Development
Oolagen Community Services

Planning Calendar

The following is a list of events and corresponding months to help you with your community and campus event planning

Rape crisis and community fundraising events
Resident Assistant Training
Take Back the Night marches
Male survivor events

Stalking Awareness Month
Fraternity and Sororities
(member and new-member education)

Relationship Wellness Month

Women’s History Month

Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Child Abuse Awareness Month

Women’s Health Care

Student Safety Month

Social Wellness Month

Women’s Equality Day (Aug 26)

National Campus Safety Awareness Month
New Student Orientation
Fraternity and Sororities
(Member and new-member education)
Student-Athlete Programming

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

The One On for Safety Month


Technical Requirements

Sound Requirements:
Two LAV microphones

Keynote Powerpoint Requirements:
Mac laptop compatible, screen.

Film Viewing Requirements:
DVD player and screen

Green Room Specifications:
Bottled water

Other specifications:
Table for merchandise, 2 chairs.

Disclaimer: Filming of (Wo)Men Speak Out™ is not permitted due to copyright restrictions. Reasonable exceptions will be made for media and non-profit purposes.

2 thoughts on “Speaking Engagements

  1. I was very excited to have finally found some help to understand the affects of CSA so that I could facilitate some open dialogue with my husband, who suffered throughout his entire childhood and has serious mental blocks for most of it. I had hoped to obtain the documentary you mentioned, “Incest – A Family Tragedy” but was unsuccessful with all attempts. There was no contact information in order to speak to someone directly. Do you have any other material in which my husband and myself could study together?

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